GARD 2021-2026 strategic plan highlights four strategic objectives

Improve food security, income and building resilience for sustainable livelihoods

We focus on both rural and urban areas, particularly women and youth by creating new livelihood opportunities for smallholder agriculture, saving groups through empowering and equipping community members with knowledge, skills and technologies in crop production, agribusiness skills, climate smart agriculture and community savings groups among others

Improve access to quality education for all & Cultural development

Access to quality education is a basic human right and has the potential of unlocking opportunities for children and youth. Education is also a means to reducing poverty through – skilling, knowledge, values, and attitude required for national development savings groups among others

Promote governance and Social Justice.

Within the framework of rights-based approach to development, GARD’s efforts is geared towards empowerment, active citizenship, and participatory governance and to strengthen the capacity of local governments. We address the root causes of exclusion and inequity, calling upon citizens to engage in civic initiatives that benefit both them and their communities while increasing government capacity to supply services, resolve disputes and create an enabling environment for greater civic participation and integrity. 

Partnership, institutional capacity strengthening & development

The goal is to create an efficient and accountable organization that can meets its objectives and deliver satisfactorily to its stakeholders. We emphasize local actions and solution by providing strategic guidance and strengthening local institutions that leads to sustainable solutions with long-term impacts

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